La Florida Society

We convene a statewide community of leaders...”

The first phrase of Leadership Florida’s mission reminds us that our organization embodies a shared commitment to our state that reaches from the past, and—with ongoing support from alumni and friends—stretches far into the future.

La Florida Society

When you include a planned gift of $5,000 or more in your estate, you will become a member of our La Florida Society. This group is comprised of forward-thinking individuals who share a commitment to strengthen leadership in our statewide community. Members will be recognized in our publications and at events such as our Annual Meeting. You may, of course, choose to remain anonymous. However, participation in the La Florida Society can be an inspirational experience and may encourage others to look toward the future and how they too, may have an enduring impact on Leadership Florida programs they care about.

Creating Your Charitable Legacy is Easy

Your gift will have meaning and impact for years to come, while at the same time providing you valuable estate and tax planning advantages. Leadership Florida offers many options to create your charitable legacy. These options also perpetuate your value of giving back and keep generations of leaders united through philanthropy.

Types of Planned Giving

Cash is the simplest way to create your legacy gift.
Stocks and Securities
Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that have appreciated over time provide a greater tax benefit to you than gifts of cash. They are easily transferable, transfer at full market value, and allow you to avoid capital gains taxes.
Closely Held Stock
Business interest that cannot often be traded publicly can be easily transferred to Leadership Florida. A charitable deduction will be allowed for the appraised fair market value of the property and the transaction is not subject to capital gains tax.
Life Insurance
Often life insurance is not needed later in life. You can create a leadership legacy by naming Leadership Florida a beneficiary. You may also purchase a policy in Leadership Florida’s name and earn an additional tax deduction each time premiums are due.
Homes, Jewelry, and other items
Must be approved by the organization in advance.

For many donors, the most realistic way to make a significant gift to Leadership Florida is through their estates. You may provide for Leadership Florida in many ways, including:

  • a codicil to your will
  • an amendment to your revocable trust
  • a retirement plan beneficiary designation
  • naming Leadership Florida the beneficiary of your life insurance plan
  • a donor-advised fund or private foundation succession plan

Estate plans should be prepared by and with the advice of an attorney to ensure that your intentions are carried out.

We are ready to consult with you and your advisers about bequests and other forms of charitable giving.

Wendy Spencer
President and CEO 
Leadership Florida
3500 Financial Plaza, Suite 300
Tallahassee, FL 32312
(850) 521-1220

For more information, download the La Florida Society brochure here: 

La Florida Brochure PDF

Ready to join?

Click here to download the La Florida Society pledge form. Completed forms can be sent to Wendy Spencer (see contact information above).