Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class

Do you or someone you know have an interest in being a part of the Cornerstone Class Program? Click HERE for details. 

At Leadership Florida, our mission is to continually discover and convene committed individuals, enhancing and recharging their leadership skills by introducing them to a powerful community through whom they find knowledge and inspiration. We engage Floridians by providing essential information and a meaningful forum for their opinions and create opportunities for shared experiences that are inviting, inspiring, and of lasting value.

One of the many ways we work to accomplish our mission is through our Cornerstone Class program. For our upcoming class, 55 leaders aged 40 and older will be chosen to participate in a stimulating and thought-provoking nine-month educational program that consists of a series of two and three-day sessions held in cities throughout the state, the culmination of which is the equivalent of a sixth session where you will join fellow Leadership Florida members at our Annual Meeting. These sessions include programming on issues critical to Florida, refining well-developed leadership skills via sessions with leading experts, and relevant information on Florida's history, demography, diversities, challenges, and opportunities.

One of the program's most rewarding and lasting benefits is the chance to spend valuable time interacting with other leaders from various professions, philosophies, and geographies who represent Florida's diverse ethnic and racial composition. The program sessions provide ample experiences designed to facilitate the deepening of relationships among the Class members and thus extend the network of relationships that form the fabric of our statewide leadership.

Graduating from our classes does not signify the end, but the beginning of a lifetime of opportunity as a Leadership Florida membership network member. Leadership Florida convenes regular regional and statewide meetings to facilitate continuing issues-oriented education, advanced leadership training, networking, and the opportunity for members to work together toward shared goals.

The over 3,300 graduates of Leadership Florida programs are men and women who serve as chief executive officers of some of Florida's top corporations, mayors, and other elected officials, executives of pivotal non-profit groups, and leading academicians. They are also farmers, managers of high-tech consortiums, rural hospital administrators, and head Florida's most important agencies. They own small businesses and even include law enforcement officers in communities throughout our state. They are committed to local and state communities through their collective service on over 5,000 boards of companies and organizations throughout Florida.

Cornerstone Class 42 Session Dates

October 25-27, 2024: River Ranch
December 11-13, 2024: Jacksonville
January 13-15, 2025: Tallahassee
March 5-7, 2025: Tampa
April 22-24, 2025: Miami
June 5-8, 2025: Tampa

Thank You to our Cornerstone Class Sponsors!